Hi, so I'm playing CK2 as Croatia, and all of a sudden, on the 21st of March 1120, my game unexpectedly disappears and my desktop appears.I have searched the web for solutions, and all I can find is people stating the problem.' This problem is caused by conflicting events.' What I am trying to do however, is get past this date, and continue playing.I have tried:. Playing old saves. Starting wars, moving troops, etc. (changing events). Constantly restarting save.
Aire frio virgilio pinera pdf en. I acquired a complete set of Eridanos titles when I was an editor at Godine, during a period around 1990 when their original editor shared our overly lavish offices and attempted to revitalize the series with new design and distribution, and put out a few fascinating novels by Ernst Junger, among other things. Godine distributed them for a time, but I’m not sure if he ever actually bought the company. I was sad to find just now that he died quite young:I think most Eridanos titles are currently out of print.
Crusader Kings 2 Crash To Desktop
Crusader Kings 2 Keeps Crashing
Checking the error logs.I am on a Macintosh computer running OS-X 10.10.2 Yosemite, the latest version of CK2 (2.3.3), and I am crashing to the desktop unexpectedly without warning.The error logs have nothing to suggest a crash, and all I have is this:graphicssettings.cpp:85: Resolution width to low. Setting it to 1024graphicssettings.cpp:95: Resolution height to low.