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Arrange these sentences into a good paragraph!4-5-3-7-8-2-1-64-5-7-3-8-2-1-64-5-8-3-7-2-1-64-5-2-3-7-8-1-61. Then just before we went tothe airport we stopped at theBugis street.2. On last day we had lunch onthe Orchard road.3. On second day we went tothe Merlion statue.4.

Last year my friend and I wentto Singapore.5. On the first day we went tothe universal studio.6. There we bought some giftsfor friends.7. A lot of picturesaround the famous statue.8. We enjoyed a lot of rides fromfamous movies.2. Arrange these sentences into a good paragraph!1-4-3-5-21-3-5-4-21-2-3-4-51-5-3-2-41.

Jack had an accidenta few days ago.2. Jill went to the hospitaltoo visit him.3. He is still in the hospitalnow.4.

She is at the hospitalnow.5. He had to go tohospital.

Arrange these sentences into a good paragraph!7-1-4-8-2-6-5-37-2-6-3-1-5-4-87-8-4-1-2-6-5-37-5-6-3-1-4-8-21. Some of Lavishers other ideaswere important too2. He learned some very importantfacts about chemistry.3. These are the same names weuse today.4. He also worked on a way toimprove France's banks andgovernment.5. He used science to improvefarming.6. And he gave names to manychemicals7.

Lavisher was a great man inmany ways.8. He helped to make taxes andmoney the same all over France 4. Arrange these sentences into a good paragraph!7-6-5-4-3-2-11-2-3-4-5-6-75-6-3-4-7-1-22-1-4-3-6-7-51. Natures recycling programed forwater is called the water cycle.2.

Rain or snow eventually finds theirway back to the ocean.3. Water falls from the air as rain orsnow.4. Water goes from the ocean,lakes, and rivers into the air.5. One of the things nature recyclesis water.6.

Did you know that naturerecycles too?7. Maybe you recycle cans, glass,and paper. Arrange these sentences into a good paragraph!1 5 3 2 43 5 1 2 44 3 5 1 25 1 4 3 21. The animals have beenpushed back and their naturalhabitat has been reduced.2. The government has locatedreserves to protect bothanimals and plants life.3. Many natural forests whereanimals live are beingdestroyed.4.

One of them is the BogorBotanical Garden.5. People have cleared the landto cultivate crops. Arrange these sentences into a good paragraph!2-1-3-7-4-6-5-82-7-1-6-3-5-4-82-6-7-1-5-8-4-32-1-7-3-6-4-5-81. Skateboarders skated on streetsor sidewalks.2. In the beginning, skateboardingwas simple.3.

Today's skaters are like flyingacrobats.4. What secret powers do theseskateboarders have?5. Doesnt gravity apply to them?6. They leap, skid over obstacles,flip, and turn at amazing speeds.7. Their most exciting trick was toslide down the top of a hill.8. The answer is simple: understandthe laws of physics.

Arrange these sentences into a good paragraph!3 7 2 1 5 6 43 7 2 1 4 5 63 7 1 7 5 4 63 7 5 1 6 2 41. I walked over to my electric fanand that wasnt working either.2. The refrigerator was broken andall the drinks were as hot as me.3. One morning, I woke up in awarm sweat.4. Later that day, I went to the poolto cool off.5. Then, I turned on the television,but it didnt work.6. Finally, I realized that theelectricity in my house was out.7.

I ran to the refrigerator to get acold drink. Arrange these sentences into a good paragraph!4 7 3 5 6 8 2 14 7 1 3 8 6 5 24 7 3 1 6 2 8 54 7 3 1 5 2 6 81. The five footed bear liked tohelp other animals.2. One afternoon, when the fivefooted bear went home, hefound a rabbit under amahogany tree.3.

But all animals who lived with himdidnt feel strange.4. Once upon a time there was astranger bear who lived in ajungle.5. Then, the five footed bearbrought him to this home.6.

His home was open for anyonewho wanted to stay.7. He had five feet8. The rabbit looked hungry.

CHAPTER V CLOSINGIn this research or the steps that we have done everything in this below.A. SUMMARYFrom the problem of research result and explanation in this research, the summary was below:1. Calculate the schedule of project management by finding the critize path using Lindo program that have several levels such as design the activities tables, design network, design the math model, applied the math model into lindo, shown the output from Lindo. Then visualize into Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0.B.

SUGGESTIONSome of suggestion we offered below:1. In network and activities list design, we have to understanding the reality then we applied them in order to less mistakes when we design math model and lindo program we have to correctly precise too. From the suggestion above, all the capacity to execute output from lindo.2. The research result we suggested to Dinas Lalu Lintas Angkutan Jalan Raya Semarang in order to design the schedule of shelter management using Lindo then visualized in Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0CHAPTER II BASE THEORYA.

Project ManagementWith more complicate and harder from our world development, we easier to found example of project cases, start from huge scale until the small scale, commercial project, general services or government project. As an example such as free way development project, shelter project in Jakarta, mass transportation special path, planning of management information system.All the activities we can called as project meanwhile different kinds of activities such as harvest, earn the employee, college in university we can not said as project?

Budi Santoso (2003) explain that project characteristic we could look from aim, complexity, uniquely, life cyclic, and resources conflict that happen non permanently and unordinary. Optimum or schedule project efficiency in case of Semarang mass transportation route start from January 2007 until December 2007.1. AIMA project usually is an activity during in several times and several final results. A project can divided into sub works that have finished reaching the whole project aim. Project usually quiet complex in order to coordination and controlling with every sub works in several times, activities queue and the cost.2.

ComplexityUsually project related usually project to involve some function from organization such as marketing, human resources development, engineering, production, financial because needed special skill and talent from different kinds of science discipline to finished project works included is existences mass transportation also transportation infrastructure which is easier access and support of mass transportation.3. UniquelyEvery project has special sign that looks different with other finished project. Easier and effectively schedule function also the cost oriented standard measure in ordinary society. Project is an activity that realization, non redundant.4. Life cyclicThe project is a process to reach the aim, during the project process will pass into several levels that we called with project life cyclic. Project, tasks, organization, personal, other resources will changed if the projects reach into a new phase. Start decision point and last decision point from first scheduling mass transportation and non contradiction with other existence mass transportation path and also relate with continuous of mass transportation path until there is period changed from mass transportation path.5.

Non permanentmass transportation path decision measured that indicate with revision from the government and interpretation to other related department then derivate into traffic affair and mass transportation that have authority to change and revision of mass transportation path in his territory. Prjocet is temporary activity. Therefore, we accept of significant critics or partial critics.6. UnfamiliarUsually some project using methods or new technology and have not sure and risk element. Fail project affected into the team work.Meanwhile Semarang city shelter management include planning activity, organize, staffing, controlling, and directing.

Therefore, project management is planning activity, to organize, to direct and to control of organization resources to reach special order in special moment also special resources. Transportation department, traffic and mass transportation affair function as quiet enough give an opportunity to mass transportation management.B. Lindo programHuge scale project need management and accurate calculating. One of solution to calculate is use the lindo software. Lindo suitable with Windows system and Unix system. Procedural presentation in this final task use Windows system.

Main menu from this software such as: File Edit, Solve, Report, Window, and Help. Visualize picture 1 in this below:Gb1.main menu visual1. File includeda. New, to make a new file.b. Open, to open definite file.c. View, to open model from hard drive.d.

Save, to save the file into the hard drive.e. Save As, to save with new name.f. Close, to close the file.a. Print, to print the file.b. Print Set Up, to set up the file.c. Log Output, to open or close the file, recording the task result.d.

Take Commands, to command the program.e. Basis Read, include finished from the model.f. Basis Save, to save the file with finished task on PC.g. Title, to show the file name.h. Date, to show the date.i. Elapsed Time, to show the times that had been done start from the beginning until the last.j.

Exit, to exit from this program.2. Edit menuIn this menu, have several choices include such as:a. Undo, to cancel the last command.b. Cut, to cutting or delete the letter that had been drag text it board, similar with Clear.c. Paste and Copy is function menu in simulate.

The point is, both function were to copy in one block in text it board.d. Find Replace, to find a letter or words in text it board and if we need to change it.e. Option, to fill several optimum methods, iteration system and others kind of optimize solution process.f. Go to Line, to drag the cursor in the row from text it board.g. Paste Symbol, to paste the symbol (variable) in optimum cases.h.

Select all, to drag the whole text it board.i. Clear all, to clear the whole text it active board.j. Choose New Font, to choose form of a letter in text it board.3. Solve menuSolve to shown the complete result with several choices below:a.

Solve, to shown optimum result in editor board completely. Result visual include decision variable value also the dual price. The decision variable value in zero.b. Compile Model, to check the data list structure in editor board. If the command was not right, then it will show which the mistake row. In other words, if the command was right the system will continuous to the optimum solution.c. Pivot, to shown the slack value.d.

Debug, to debug the problem the find the solution which part to optimum solution.4. Report menuReport menu at lindo programming were the result activity of optimum solution then will find solution approach by partial then will print in editor board.

Report menu included,a. Solution, to solve the optimum solution from problem in linear program that representation in editor text.b. Range, to shown the analysis finishing result include allowable increase and allowable decrease.c. Parametric, to change and shown the result in some row.d. Statistic, to visual the short report in editor report.e.

Peruse, to shown several of an answer.f. Picture, to shown the model in matrix form.g. Basis Picture, to form text of base value and presentation in row queue from the column.h.

Table, to shown the simplex table.i. Formulation, to shown the model in editor report board.j. Show Column, to shown some coefficient and variable in the whole row also the dual price.5. Window menuFunction of the Window menu was to choose the activate windows. Window menu shown to us several options such as:a. Open Command Window, to execute syntax to operate lindo software.b.

Status Window, to editor board and open activate data file.c. Send to Back, to activate windows from the last steps.d. Tile, to show all the windows activate in screen.e.

Arrange Icon, to choose window that has been activate.f. Close All, to close all the activate files.6. Help menuHelp menu include,a. Content, to show the main from lindo program.b. Search for Help on, to find some topic in the system.c.

How to Use Help, to give some help how to use the help system.d. About Lindo, to show the important information about lindo.The command were used in this model design from the lindo program below,1. MAX to start the entry data that relate with optimum problem.2. MIN to start the entry data that relate with minimum problem.3. END to end all the data.4. GO to solve all problems and print all the solution.5.

LOOK to print which part that had been chosen from the data.6. EDIT to change the layer form.7. GIN to find the decision variable with non negative value.8. INTE to find the decision variable zero value if the command is false and decision variable if the command is true.9.

SUB to measure the optimum value.10. SLB to measure the minimum value.11. FREE to find the decision variable which the real number.If there is no statement, lindo software will execute all the variable decision with higher value or same as zero. To print the optimum result, we solve in two ways which is the first step is save all the optimum result into editor board by using other program. Second way is we can print all the optimum result into editor board from print files.C. Program Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0Program Microsoft visual basic 6.0 are one of programming language that exist in society.

Applied of this visual basic 6.0 we can see in our daily activities start from database activate program in company until franchise base.The main function of visual basic is to make easier the project management that need visualize in supporting element form to execute the Semarang city Shelter base on projects management, start from the authority as input data for the element support on shelter which is mass transportation route legally, and the cost according to the authority policy. Visual basic 6.0 program suitable with windows system. The main menu in this program such as: File Edit, Project, Format, debug, Run, Query, Tools, Add-ins, Windows, and Help. The visual form in this below:Picture 1 Visual form of visual basic 6.01. Menu file include:a. New project, to make a new file.b.

Open project, to open the files in the hard drive.c. Add project, to add some project in visual basic program.d.

Remove project, to remove project show into recycle bin.e. Save project, to save the files on hard drive.f.

Save as project, to save the file with a new name.g. Save form, to save form show on hard drive.h. Save form as, to save the form show with a new name.i.

Print, to print the filej. Print setup, to setting the print filek. Make project.exe, to change file into programming.l. Exit, to quit from program.2. Undo, to recommendb. Redo, to jump into the next commandc. Cut, to cutting or erase some command in the editor board text it, similar with cleard.

Paste and Copy to work together in simulating and copy then paste in another editor board text it.e. Paste link, to copy from another filef. Remove, to remove the file from the programg. Delete, to erase the file from the hard driveh. Delete table from database, to erase the recorded table from databasei. Select all, to choose all recorded filesj. Select all columns, to choose all recorded columnsk.

Table, to show the recorded tablel. Find, to find the recorded file in the hard drivem. Find next, to find the next filen. Indent and out dent, to setting the files.o. Go to row, to show the visual form in the program.3.

Code, to show the code visualb. Object, to show the object from the programc. Definition, to appears the unknown commandd. Last position, to show the last visual positione. Object browser, to direct object in those programf. Immediately window, to show the windowsg.

Locals window, to show the windows fasterh. Watch window, to show the visual windowsi. Project explorer, to appears the projectj. Properties window, to show the tools programk. Form layout window, to setting visual positionl. Property pages, to look the properties pagem.

Zoom, to increase the visualn. Show panel, to show the panelo. Toolbox, to show the toolbox in visual programp.

Data view window, to look data in the windowsq. Color palette, to setting all colorsr. Toolbars, to show toolbars programs.

Visual component manager, to setting all components visual.4. Menu Projecta. Add form, mdi module, class module, user control, properties pages, to add visual in the program.b. Add DTHML, data report, web class, Microsoft connection, more active X designer, to add from the extern path from the hard drive.c. Add file, to add the data from the hard drive.d.

Remove data report, to erase data from reporte. References, component, project properties, to continue setting the visual.5.

Menu DebugTo identification the wrong command in programming language. Include step into, step out, step over, add watch, and edit watch, quick watch which is all the function in the module project.6. Menu RunTo execute the language program running in visual basic in module project.7. Menu QueryTo show the files from another program start from add data, erase the data interface program.8.

Menu DiagramTo show the diagram from the programs.9. Menu ToolsTo add another function of the available property.10. Menu Add-Ins, to add some infrastructure in visual basic program.11. Menu Window, to choose which windows in activates. Windows menu include this below:a. Split, to partition the module project into two parts.b. Tile horizontally and vertically, to change the position of module project become horizontal and vertical.c.

Cascade, for module project standard.d. Arrange icon, to change icon on module projecte. To show the entire visual program.12. Menu HelpMenu Help include:a. Content, to show the main of visual basic system.b.

Index, to find some words according to alphabetic.c. Search, to find several topics in the system.d. Technical support and Microsoft on web, to find another support in web.e.

About Microsoft visual basic, to show the important information about Microsoft Visual Basic system.D. Operation researchOne case in transportation, trading, human mobilization, more complex and complicate. From the all problem need development in methodology to solve them. The best way to solve them needs technical in operational research.Definition of Operational research were management tools to unite the science, math, logic in order to solve the problems in our daily activities, therefore we can reach the optimum (Subagyo, 1993:4).Operation Research identification as applied from science methods in complex problems that appears in the bigger system management that involve human, machines, material and money relate with industry, trading, government, and the security. Operational research we an applied base on needs to allocate the limited resources in order to more effective and efficiency. The main aim from this operational research is to help management decide the policy and science action.Operational research is one of the methods to solve the optimum problem.

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Operational research includes dynamic programming, network analysis, markov chain, games theory, non linier programming, and integer linier programming.In this final task, we interested in analysis network. Analysis network include some of problems such as transportation, job description, shortest path, maximum path and scheduling. For more specific we just explore about scheduling project. This scheduling project we will find the methods how to know the costs and route in order to definite the route not complicate. Therefore, shelter project will success when we applied in Semarang.A model we can definite quite well if that model were benefit to answers the problems. Before build the models in operational research we have to look the measure principal such as:1. Do not build the complicate model if we can build the simple models.2.

Do not change the problem in order to suitable with the methods that we will use.3. Deduction process as good as well.4. Validate process we have to try it first before we use it.5. Do not selfish to answers some question or problem from our model that we build to answers that question.6.

All kinds model have several characteristic; in order to the summary for this model have to simple and interesting.7. A model that developed need the accurate from entry dataE. Optimum modelOptimum problem always we meet in all aspects.

Some special form of optimum problem we can call as linear programming. Linear programming were optimum problem, the function from optimum were validate solving. The optimum function was a valuable result. Value that we expected was the biggest value which is the aim function in maximum form such as: financial problem and the smallest which is the aim function such as: the costs problem in linear result and the problems we express in different equation or non equation linear also the variable and constant.

One of the several technicals which is linear program.F. Network ModelNetwork Model is a kind of diagram to help finished the problems in mathematics problem that complicate in order to become simple and easier. Problems could be finished by network such as: network planning, transportation problem, tools reusable problem, the shortest path problem, and job description. Principal, Network planning was relation dependent between several works or variable that description then visualize with diagram. Therefore, we have to explain the definition then another part of project in order to easier and simple jobs. Activities NetworkIn this final task we will explore about network to give description in society by explain with diagram below.The symbols will describe several activities such as:1. Arrow, represent kind of activity or activity in one project.

We will definition with as a wok that need duration in all kinds of resources start by terminal shelter, branch shelter, interface shelter. Head of the arrow shown to us direct of activity, when the activity start from beginning point shelter into another shelter from the left to the right. Short or long of the arrow it does not any meaning at all. So we do not need scale.2. Node, represent kind of activity or event. Event we definition with point as connector with several activities. An activity represent an event therefore we decribe with a lot of point such as start point and the last point.

The first and the last point as an activity bcause we used to be know as head and tail activity.an activity must be done first before continue into another point or node.3. Pseudo arrow, represent as an activity or dummy activity. Every single arrow has multifunction to represent an activity and to help showing the relation between first nodes to another node.4. Bold arrow, represent an activity in critize path.Beside the symbols above, we have understand about the rules such as:1. Between two nodes only have one activity, dan2. All activities we can accelerate if there is no others ways to decribe relation of activities that shown in network.In order listing the network, we have to follow the rules such as:1.

Setiap kegiatan diwakili oleh satu dan hanya satu anak panah dalam jaringan kerja, atau di antara dua kejadian (event) yang sama hanya boleh digambarkan satu anak panah. Gambar anak panah hanya sekedar menunjukkan urutan di dalam mengerjakan pekerjaan saja, sehingga panjang dan arahnya tidak menunjukkan letak dari pekerjaan.2. Nama suatu kejadian dinyatakan dengan huruf atau dengan nomor event. Setiap lingkaran kejadian diberi nomor sedemikian rupa, sehingga tidak terdapat lingkaran yang berulang kembali agar tidak terjadi circularity.3.

Kejadian harus mengalir dari event bernomor rendah ke event bernomor tinggi.Tidak ada dua kegiatan yang dapat diidentifikasi dengan kejadian ekor dan kejadian kepala yang sama. Sebuah situasi seperti ini dapat timbul ketika dua kegiatan atau lebih dapat dilakukan secara bersamaan.

Dalam situasi ini prosedur yang diberlakukan adalah memasukkan sebuah kegiatan dummy baik pada awal suatu network maupun pada kegiatan akhir suatu network.Adapun logika kebergantungan kegiatan-kegiatan itu dinyatakan sebagai berikut:1. Jika kegiatan A harus diselesaikan dahulu sebelum kegiatan B dapat dimulai, maka hubungan antara kedua kegiatan tersebut dapat dilihat dalam Gambar 3. Kegiatan P, Q dan R mulai dan selesai pada kejadian yang samaKegiatan P = (31,32) P = (32,34)Q = (31,34) atau Q = (31,34)R = (31,33) R = (33,34)Dalam hal ini tidak menjadi soal di mana saja diletakkannya dummy-dummy tersebut, pada permulaan ataupun pada akhir kegiatan-kegiatan tersebut.G. Penjadwalan ProyekSetelah proyek dipecah-pecah menjadi paket-paket pekerjaan selanjutnya dapat dibuat penjadwalanya. Yang perlu diperhatikan disini adalah waktu pengerjaan tiap paket pekerjaan dan kejadian apa yang dihasilkan dari serangkaian paket kerja tertentu.Yang perlu dijadwalkan adalah aktivitas atau paket pekerjaan. Sedangkan kejadian (events) dan lintasan kritis (milestone) hanyalah akibat dari selesainya aktifitas.

Jika jalur trayek melintasi beberapa shelter maka itu disebut aktifitas, mulai atau selesainya rute trayek melewati shelter adalah kejadian. Sedangkan aktivitas pembebasan tanah akan menghasilkan milestone tersedianya lahan untuk bangunan. Milestone digunakan untuk menandai telah selesainya beberapa aktifitas yang kritis dan sulit.Bagi manajemen puncak jadwal proyek mungkin tidak perlu sedetail apa yang diperlukan oleh personel operasional di lapangan. Jadwal dari aktifitas besar ini sering disebut jadwal induk proyek. Jadwal ini dikembangkan selama tahap inisiasi dan dapat diperbarui setelah itu.Penjadwalan pertama kali dikembangkan oleh Henry G yang sering disebut Gantt charts.

Diagram Grantt charts adalah hubungan antar aktifitas mana yang harus mulai dulu dan aktifitas mana yang menyusulnya. Diagram tersebut dapat dilihat dalam tabel 1.AktifitasMinggu123456781Penentuan kualitas yang perlu dikendalikan2Mengumpulkan data3Merancang peta control4Sosialisasi rancangan SPC5Training operator6Uji coba pelaksanaan SPC7Implementasi8Analisis penyebab cacat9Menghitung kemampuan proses10DokumentasiTabel 1. Grantt Chart dari suatu proyek SPC ( Statistical Proses Control )(Sumber:Santoso;2003:56)Untuk mengurai kekurangan-kekurangan dari Grantt charts maka disusunlah sebuah jaringan kerja atau network. Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam pembuatan jaringan kerja adalah.1. Macam-macam aktivitas yang ada;2. Ketergantungan antar aktivitas, mana yang lebih dahulu diselesaikan mana yang menyusul;3. Urutan logis dari masing-masing aktivitas;4.

Waktu penyelesaian tiap aktivitas.Ada dua pendekatan dalam hal menggambarkan diagram jaringan kerja, yang pertama, kegiatan digambarkan dengan simpul ( node), Activity On Node (AON). Sedangkan perstiwa atau event, diwakili oleh anak panah.Yang kedua aktivitas digambarkan dengan anak panah, Activity On Arch (AOA). Sedangkan kejadian digambarkan dengan simpul.

Di sini kita akan menggunakan AOA.Seperti Gambar 9. ESn LSAnak panahASimpuln: nomer kejadian ES: waktu mulai paling awal (Earliest Start)A: nama aktivitas LS: waktu mulai paling akhir (Latest Start)anak panah: aktivitassimpul: kejadianA BAktivitas A selesai sebelum aktivitas B dimulaiGambar 9. Activity On Arch (AOA) (Santoso,2003:57)Khusus untuk lambang-lambang dalam simpul yang mengakhiri aktivitas, maka istilah ES menjadi EF atau saat selesai paling awal dan LS menjadi LF atau saat selesai paling akhir.H. Lintasan KritisLintasan kritis ( Critical Path) melalui aktivitas-aktivitas yang jumlah waktu pelaksanaannya paling lama. Jadi, lintasan kritis adalah lintasan yang paling menentukan waktu penyelesaian proyek secara keseluruhan, digambar dengan anak panah tebal (Badri,1997:23).Manfaat yang didapat jika mengetahui lintasan kritis adalah sebagai berikut.1. Penundaan sebuah jalur trayek pada lintasan kritis menyebabkan seluruh jalur trayek proyek tertunda penyelesaiannya.2.

Proyek sebuah trayek dapat dipercepat penyelesaiannya, bila jalur trayek yang ada pada lintasan kritis dapat terselesaikan disetiap rute jalur trayek.3. Pengawasan atau kontrol dapat dikontrol melalui penyelesaian jalur kritis yang tepat dalam penyelesaiannya dan kemungkinan di trade off (pertukaran waktu dengan biaya yang effisien) dan crash program (diselesaikan dengan waktu yang optimum dipercepat dengan biaya yang bertambah pula)4.

Time slack atau kelonggaran waktu terdapat pada jalur trayek yang tidak melalui lintasan kritis. Ini memungkinkan bagi keinginan user (penumpang) lebih leluasa.I. Program LinierProgram Linier (PL) merupakan suatu model umum yang dapat digunakan dalam pemecahan masalah pengalokasian sumber-sumber yang terbatas secara optimal. Masalah tersebut timbul apabila seseorang diharuskan untuk memilih atau menentukan tingkat setiap kegiatan yang dilakukannya,dimana masing-masing kegiatan membutuhkan sumber yang sama sedangkan jumlahnya terbatas. PL adalah matematika terapan dari aljabar linier.

Menurut Suyitno (1997:2) pemecahan persoalan dunia nyata dapat digambarkan alurnya secara jelas dalam gambar 10.DUNIA NYATA DUNIA MATEMATIKAMasalah kongkret Model MatematikaAbtraksiOperasi/manipulasiJawaban masalahSecara kongkrit Jawaban ModelPenafsiranGambar 10. Bagan alur pemecahan permasalahan nyataPersoalan yang dikembangkan dalam program linier adalah bagaimana mencari nilai minimum atau maksimum dari variabel yang saling terkait dan terbatas. Program linier (PL) atau Linear programing merupakan suatu metode untuk memecahkan permasalahan optimasi (minimasi atau maksimasi)Menurut Suyitno (1997:2) Prinsip utama Program Linier adalah dengan adanya:1. Tujuan yang akan dicari optimalnya (fungsi tujuan) maksimal atau minimal;2.

Kendala ( constraints) pembatas yang merupakan keterbatasan sumber daya atau sering disebut fungsi kendala;3. Model matematika yang merupakan penuangan permasalahan kedalam bahasa matematika. Model matematika berisi fungsi tujuan yang harus berupa fungsi linier dan fungsi kendala yang berupa pertidaksamaan atau perasamaan linier;4. BACKGROUNDReality which increase demand all the mankind to mobilisator, which mean where the duration and cost must we calculate.

Effective and eficiency to entry data getting more we could have by using several science and technology especially by computer.By using computer, all the problem such as hardest work that we have to finished as soon as possible he could execute just for several minutes and more accurate. Kinds of mass transportation that we can see in Semarang generally have different cost that become competition beetween them. Affect to our daily activities. Transportation development we couldn’t forget that we need them but in sistematically. Sometimes, several society not used it and ignore about transportation in this country especially programming sistematically and government either.Mathmatics applied can developed and studied by using operational research (OR) where this Or become methods to solve optimatically problem. A lot of operational research models that have been developed which relation with math.

One of them is network analysis derivate from linear program.network theory told us about problem solver in project management included planning, scheduling, and project evaluation.The important factor to succed in increase operation reserch applied is development that information technology (IT). Since began operation research methods need computing process intencivelly. Development in this several years affected to some complicated problems and other side, the complicated problems appears from operation research cases that make new problem affect to research in technology.Since this cases, the research interested in learn computing programming in information technology with kind of solving from operation research cases.

Nowadays, computing science interested in lindo programming then we modify to problem that we faces. By using lindo programming, the solution quickly and less from mistakes then we analysis according to the problem. In this cases, project scheduling will be review to find critize path therefore we can get how long the project must been done.The duration until finished not often with calculate all the whole times in activities, but we simplify with find the critize path. Critize path is path which direct activities start from beginning until the end of all project. How to use the critize path which mean by using evaluation methods, included critize path methods, linear program methods. In this final works, we will find accurate methods and how to choose trip and mass transportation also competitive cost according to user will and interpelate in visual basic 6.0 programming the result from PERT CPM ( Project Evaluation And Review Technique dan Critical Path Method).

Why we use planning program and project controlling with PERT-CPM to execute project problem above is so benefit because a project definitive of one combination all the activities related with others then we queue in special line before all the activities finished. This activities related with others as logical queue which mean several activities could not started before others activities can they finished first, so in this problem we can start to make effectively and efficiency in Semarang mass transportation. An activity is part of the project as a work which need couple times and also resources to finished then generally a project is one act with one respon that can redundant. Remind the project of efficiency mass transportation in Semarang have several variables, so we have weakness and manual calculate. Therefore, the advantage this programming is to make easier than manual. With complicate reality makes scheduling especially in trip mass transportation in semarang project become interpretate in planning. Finally, the important problem in route mass transportation in semarang at least it is not makes new problems that more harder with eliminate non benefit from wrong planning which is dependent to several activities especially effectively of trip or route path in mass transportation in semarang then we cant determine.

This is the position of lindo programming and also systematic approach from planning PERT-CPM which mean to make easier complex then increase from couples of problems that exist. Complecity makes simplify methods and give the result to efficiency optimum in project action that relation within.

Kaum hawa yang membuat hidup perlajanan ini1. Mulia sdn o1 cibubur.aneh masa lagi kecil aja sudah kerudung besar apa kerana dia badannya besar alias bongsor, telisik ternyata aku ketemu dia lagi pas saat ngaji di rumah bapaknya pak ghani dan masnya mas ilham,2.

Soal Minimasi Metode Simpleks Powerpoint

Indriana wisnu wadhanihubungan ini masih berjalan baik sebagai seorang teman, sohib, dan tidak lebih dari itu. Tanggal 26 april 1984 tanggal ulang tahunnya. Kenal di saat kelas 2 smp di 258 cibubur jakarta.3.tri widyastutihubungan ini bermula hanya 3 jam yakni saat perpisahan kelas karena tidak ad yang datangi ya udah aku pegang aja tangannya.4. Viska kharisma fajar wati.entah gimana kabarnya sekarang apa sudah nikah atau belum yang jelas saat ini dia menjadi wannita misterius. Karenanya aku pertama kali di puji permainan gitar yang waktu itu hanya bisa restu buni ataupun lagu dari album dewa yang ternaik-terbaik. Tanggal lahirnya 27 juni 1984.

Terakhir aku mgertinya dari sltp 258 cibubur jakarta ke smu n 39 jakarta dan ke fakultas hukum di unversitas indonesia. Rumahnya masih di mekarsari kayanya. Yang jelas senyumnya yang ga bisa hilang dan tahi lalat yang bertenegger di dagunya itu loh.5. Rissa sandya diniwanita super keras dan sulit ditaklukkan ini memang seharusnya menjadi pelabuhan terakhit saya tapi sulitnya minta ampun kita sudah berteman sejak di sekolah dasar dan sekolah menengah pertama dan sekolah menengah umum.

Lumayan sedih si disaat kita sekelas di kelas 2-9 dia kepincut cowok pindahan dari sudirman. Tapi kita akhirnya ketemu lagi di saat pertemuanyang tak diduga sebelumnya. Yakni tanggal 24 agustus 2003 dia sms ingin ketemu dan besoknya hari kamis langsung saya samperin ke kampus universitas pancasika di daerah lentengagung.

Pertemuan singkat langsung diajak kemana-mana. Ketemu lagi hari sabtu dan niat ke puncak tuk mengenal lebih jauh tentang dirinya. Dan hanya wanitaini yahng telah sampai ke ruma saya.


Dan ortu ngertinya hanya dia wanita saya. Tapi kita harus berakhir hanya karena keberadaan kita yangbsudah tidak dikatakan sejalan.

Dia lahir 13 januari 19856. Dewi kurniasariwanita yang tidak pernah berbicara sepatah katapun pada saya selama 1 tahun perkuliahan cukup menjasi daya tarik sayaselku pria yang merasa nyaman disisinya. Semoga saja pertemanan ini abadi.

Soal Minimasi Metode Simpleks 6

Dia lahir 13 juni 1984dengan nama bapal hidayat dan ibu sri su;lastri7. Ikawanita yang cuma pelarian dari gagalnya hubungan menjadikan wanita tour leader ini jadi wanita yang kesekian kali. Ga tau rumahnya dimana, tanggal lahirnya berapa? Ayun rinu disawanita yang tetep jadi sahabat dari pertama kenal sampai sekarang9.

Budi ari sulistyaniwanita yang super galak in belum tahu siapa sebenarnya saya ini. Dia tidak tahu rupa orangtuaku, rumahku, tiba-tiba minta nikah dengan ku. Aslinya hatinini tidak cocok dengannya.

Sudah tiga kali putus sambung tapi hati ini masih merindukan seseroangnyang pecial yang m,erangkum mereka semua. When someone feel ignorance, sometimes he feel teribble moment.

Its pretty clever enough to understand somehow and trying to kill the taste. Honestly, i have enough troble for what ive done. Start at the first time since i studied in unnes. Live alone without any family in here. Semarang with a lot of complecity makes me gettin worst. Love a goddess in my class and try to start to relationship and i dont know till now does she love me or not. Her name is dewi kurniasari.

She start first, in by sending me a message. After then i try to get her heart and in the reality i knew that she had a lot of fans and i could mention couple of her fans such jurotun, hidayat, our lecturer, sugeng, ali. I dont know why i really fallin love with her, because i realize that she so perfect. Pretty, smart, understanding. But the times shown to me that she not belong to poor guy like me so idecide to ended this first love. Especially after kkl moment in jogja which make me to backward from this lovin journey. Sugeng try to fugure it out of relationship between me and her.

Then she tell to someone that iam just big mouth and tellin the lies. That all rigt if she hurt my heart so she could to find another soulmate. We juast fire and water in class. Where i sit in the front she must be inthe back sheet. If she in the right position i try to take a sheet in left side. My profilename: rizki kurniawansurname: kikiborn: jakarta, May, 29th 1984school: sekolah dasar negeri 01 cibubur jakartasekolah lanjutan tingkat pertama negeri 258 cibubur jakartasekolah menengah umum negeri 99 cibubur jakartauniversitas negeri semarang jawatengahpengalaman bekerja1. Staff pengajar sekolah menengah kejuruan YPP semarang periode 2.

Staff pengajar lembaga bimbingan belajar Gyanti Sumber ILmu 2007-20083. Tour guide for several groups in bali 2008pengalaman berorganisasi1. Remaja islam masjid smu n 99 jakarta sebagai ketua badan usaha periode 2001-20022. Ketua divisi syiar rohani islam sigma fakultas matematika dan ilmu pengetahuan alam universitas negeri semarang3. Anggota gerakan mahasiswa pembebasan4.

Humas gema pembebasan5. Anggota partai pembebasan6. Deklarator transnational syndicalist.